Hey there, fellow digital wanderer,

If you’ve landed on this page, chances are you’re sick and tired of the 9 to 5 grind and are looking for a proven, step-by-step guide to crushing it on YouTube.

Your Ticket to YouTube Success Without Showing Your Face

Today, I’m going to break down and spill the beans on this fascinating course that’s been making waves in the online entrepreneur scene – the Tube Monetization & Automation Program. This isn’t your typical, run-of-the-mill course. Nope. It’s a step-by-step roadmap to completely mastering YouTube, all without putting your face on camera.

What is the Tube Monetization & Automation Course, and Who is it for?

The Tube Monetization & Automation Course, brought to us by Jordan of Bye 9 To 5, is a comprehensive, structured program designed for anyone and everyone wanting to dominate YouTube without becoming the next YouTube sensation themselves. You know, no awkward camera angles or cheesy catchphrases. Just real, profitable content that works.

What Jordan put together isn’t just a course. It’s a lifeline for those of us craving financial freedom and control over our lives. He packed all the knowledge he gained from crushing it on YouTube into a step-by-step guide.

This course is for anyone ready to break the shackles of the traditional work structure and embrace the opportunities of the digital age. Jordan was just like us – trapped in the corporate grind, dreaming of something better.

Whether you’re a novice YouTuber or someone looking to scale their channel, this program has got you covered. It walks you through identifying the most profitable niches, creating and editing videos that align with YouTube’s guidelines, secrets to hacking the YouTube algorithm, and even strategies for earning 10 times more money than other channels.

Watch What Jordan’s Students Are Sharing In the FB Group

The Course’s Design, Structure and Content

Let’s dig into the meat and potatoes of this review – the course design and quality.

The Tube Monetization & Automation Program is a real powerhouse of a course. It’s designed as a meticulous, all-encompassing guide on dominating YouTube. What sets it apart is its no-fluff approach. Every module is packed with concrete strategies, and the value per module is just off the charts.

The course is meticulously organized into 20 in-depth modules, covering every aspect of YouTube you can think of. Each module is designed in a step-by-step format, making it easy to follow, even if you’re a beginner. Jordan has also thrown in six bonuses to really sweeten the deal. Each module builds on the one before, giving you a well-rounded understanding of how YouTube works and how to leverage it to your advantage.

In-depth and Comprehensive

The Tube Monetization & Automation Course does not cut any corners. It starts from the very basics of YouTube and then dives deep into advanced monetization techniques. This includes the ever-important Search Engine Optimization (SEO) secrets, Affiliate marketing strategies, case studies, and much more.

Up-to-Date and Future Proof

The course is updated as of 2023 and comes with a promise of future updates. That’s a massive plus, considering how quickly digital platforms and algorithms change.

Comparing Tube Monetization & Automation Course with Similar Products

The internet is swarming with online courses claiming to turn you into a YouTube pro. I took the liberty of comparing this course with two other popular options – YT Influence by Chris Derenberger and YouTube Mastery by Matt Par. While these programs offer great content and valuable strategies, the Tube Monetization & Automation Program stands out for its extensive, in-depth approach. It delves deeper into the intricacies of YouTube and provides more practical, hands-on strategies than its competitors.

Tube Monetization & Automation Course vs YT Influence

While YT Influence focuses mainly on ranking videos and getting traffic for affiliate marketing, the Tube Monetization & Automation Course is a complete roadmap that covers more ground. It goes beyond just ranking and dives into monetization strategies, affiliate marketing, and the business side of running a successful YouTube channel.

Tube Monetization & Automation Course vs YouTube Mastery

YouTube Mastery provides a good overview of building a YouTube channel but lacks the depth provided by the Tube Monetization & Automation Course. The latter offers more specific strategies, hacks, and techniques to monetize your channel effectively.

Other Reasons Why the Tube Monetization & Automation Course is Better Than Other Products

What sets this course apart from others is its comprehensive nature. It’s not just about ranking videos or gaining subscribers. It’s about building a profitable YouTube channel, even if you’re camera-shy! This course gives you the skills and techniques to run a successful online business via YouTube.

The updates and community support are massive bonuses that add immense value to this course. The course stays up to date with the changing YouTube landscape, and you have a community of learners who are in the same boat as you.

Pros and Cons of the Course

Now, let’s break down the pros and cons, shall we?

On the pro side, the course is incredibly comprehensive, covering YouTube from A-Z. It’s chock full of practical, actionable strategies. It’s also suitable for beginners and advanced users, offering value for all skill levels. Plus, it’s continuously updated, ensuring that the content is always fresh and relevant. Also, you get access to a private Facebook group for additional support.

However, there are a few minor cons worth mentioning. While the course is quite detailed, it might seem a bit overwhelming for beginners. Secondly, while Jordan provides a wealth of knowledge, you’ll need to put in the work to see results. This isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme; success depends on dedication and effort.

How To automate and Monetize Your YouTube Channel

User Experiences and Testimonials

What really makes the case for this course is the genuine experiences and testimonials of the students. I’ve scoured through online forums and review sites, and the feedback is overwhelmingly positive. Students rave about the clarity of the modules, the actionable strategies, and, most importantly, the tangible results they’re seeing.

Numerous testimonials speak about how this course has helped them to build successful channels from scratch. Many of them have managed to break away from their 9-to-5 jobs and are now thriving as YouTube entrepreneurs.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tips and tricks to get the most bang for your buck. Firstly, be patient and persistent. Don’t rush through the course, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your YouTube empire be. Each module is packed with information, so take your time to digest it all. Secondly, don’t just learn – implement the strategies consistently. That’s the best way to see results. Lastly, leverage the community support.

Connect with your fellow students, ask questions, share your experiences. The value of peer-to-peer learning is just too good to ignore and stay updated with the course content.


Q: Do I need to show my face or create my own videos for this method to work?

A: Not at all. One of the beauties of this course is that it teaches you how to succeed on YouTube without showing your face or even creating videos from scratch.

Q: Is the Tube Monetization & Automation Program suitable for beginners?

A: Absolutely! Jordan has designed the course to be accessible for people at all skill levels. If you’re new to YouTube, don’t sweat it – Jordan will guide you through the entire process.

Q: Does this course guarantee I will earn money on YouTube?

A: While the course provides a roadmap to YouTube success, the results depend on your implementation and your effort.

Q: Is there any guarantee?

A: Yes! Jordan stands by his course and offers a 120-day money-back guarantee. If you don’t see results within this period, you can ask for a full refund.

So, should you dive headfirst into the Tube Monetization & Automation Course?

If you’re a budding online marketer looking to drive traffic through YouTube, this course could be your golden ticket. It offers an in-depth understanding of YouTube, practical strategies, and a supportive community. So, if you’re ready to take control of your financial destiny and say ‘bye’ to the 9-to-5 grind, give the Tube Monetization & Automation Program a shot. After all, you’ve got nothing to lose and a world of opportunity to gain. It’s better than many of the other options out there.

Yes, it requires work, but then, what doesn’t? As long as you’re willing to put in the effort and follow the roadmap, you’re in for a treat. So, free yourself from the 9-5 grind, and step into the YouTube realm with the Tube Monetization & Automation Course. Your online empire awaits!

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